Latest News from The Immix Group

generic drugs

Generic Drugs: Fact vs. Fiction

By Katie Wray, Immix Group  Nov 15, 2015 Discussions surrounding prescription drugs tend to take up a large part of any employee benefits renewal meeting. On average, for a typical Canadian small business, prescription drug claims make up 50-70% of the extended health care claims in any given renewal year. Over

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Emergency travel: The hidden insurance in benefit plans

By Katie Wray, Immix Group Did you know that most benefits plans include emergency travel insurance? Most clients and their employees either don’t know of this hidden benefit, or they’ve forgotten it. And, if they do happen to remember it, they probably don’t realize just how extensive their emergency coverage is

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Long-term disability coverage

By Lindsay Byrka | BA, BEd, CFP Vice President, Immix Group: An Employee Benefits Company Imagine for a moment that one of your employees got into a serious crash while commuting home. The employee is going to recover – but it will take months of intense therapy before he can return to

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Affordable and innovatively structured employee benefit programs