Latest News from The Immix Group

disability insurance

Disability Insurance

by Lindsay Byrka, BA, BEd, CFP®   Dig Deeper into Disability Insurance Trying to wrap your head around Long-Term Disability insurance? Wondering about the differences between your group Long Term Disability and an Individual Disability plan? Group benefits plan administrators, have you done your part to ensure your employees understand

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claim confusion - health benefits claim

Claim Confusion

Claim Confusion: Common Reasons Why Your Benefits Claim May Leave You “Out-of-Pocket” Uncovering why you may be left ‘out-of-pocket’ when claiming under your benefits program Wondering why you’re left ‘out-of-pocket’ despite having a robust benefits program? There is nothing more frustrating than submitting your claim, only to find it’s not

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travel insurance 1

Understanding Travel Insurance

Understanding Travel Insurance: Everything You Need to Know Before Takeoff When we talk to groups of employees about their benefits coverage, one thing that pops up time after time is that employees are often unaware that their extended health care includes travel insurance! Far too many employees have told us

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Implement a Group Savings Plan

Three Reasons to Implement a Group Savings Plan

We write often about Group Savings Plans, as it’s our belief that one of the best ways employers can assist their employees is by offering them the opportunity to plan and save for the future. This is a sentiment that is echoed by many in our industry. In their recent

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Employee Benefits Conversations

Key Conversations in Benefits 2023

Last year our blog “Top Conversations of 2022” proved to be among our most popular articles for the year! Once again, this year, we have compiled a recap of the Top Conversations in Benefits, from our perspective as benefits advisors. Last year we recapped the top conversations in benefits, which

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shared employee benefits

Understanding Cost-Sharing in Employee Benefits

Understanding Cost-Sharing in Employee Benefits: The Employer’s Role in Premium Contributions and Standard Practices   Introduction In the fiercely competitive job market, employee benefits play a crucial role in attracting and retaining top talent. Among the many decisions that employers face in crafting an appealing benefits package, one of the

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Save on Employee Benefits with the Immix Pool

A Proven Strategy for Containing Employee Benefit Plan Costs

A Proven Strategy for Containing Employee Benefit Plan Costs With elevated inflation causing everyone to take a closer look at their expenses, we wanted to introduce (and remind those who are already members of the Immix Group Client Community!) the many advantages of our broker-managed pools. Table of Contents Back

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Telehealth Plans and Immix Group

Virtual Health Care is Everywhere

Virtual Health Care is Everywhere: Employer vs. Free Options, and the latest in Offerings.   Back in 2020, we wrote about virtual care offerings, at the time prompted by the pandemic and the lockdown we were experiencing, which made routine doctor visits close to impossible. While virtual care was available

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top benefits1

Top Benefits Conversations of 2022

It’s a wrap! As we begin the New Year with refreshed energy and excitement for what 2023 may bring, we wanted to share a recap of the key stories in benefits over 2022.   Extreme Difficulty in Hiring The theme of our client meetings this year can be summed up

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custom employee benefits

One size fits all? Not when it comes to employee benefits.

Yes, it’s possible to gain the pricing advantage found within a benefits pool while also having control over your plan design! When we begin discussing the strategy that Immix has created when it comes to group benefit plans one of the first questions we are asked is whether belonging to

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fraud prevention1

March is Fraud Prevention Month

By Lindsay Byrka | BA, BEd, CFP Vice President, Immix Group: An Employee Benefits Company Everyone has experienced that phone call, text or email making some claim that is inevitably aimed at getting you to click a link or provide information to give fraudsters access to your sensitive information. It’s rampant, and

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review benefits1

The Best Time To Review Your Benefits Program Is Now!

By Lindsay Byrka | BA, BEd, CFP Vice President, Immix Group: An Employee Benefits Company 2020 proved to be an unexpectedly tumultuous year for most people, and if you’re involved in running or making decisions for a business, you were probably taking a hard look at every aspect of your business. If

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Keep Fit From Home

By Lindsay Byrka, Vice President, Immix Group: An Employee Benefits Company We hope you’re staying home if possible, but that doesn’t mean you can’t stay active! As benefits consultants, it’s one of our goals to assist our clients in promoting physical and mental well-being; staying active is a key component of

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Market Update: Stay Calm, Stay the Course

By Anthony Ciccone, President A message from Anthony Ciccone, President Many of you are feeling concerned about the unprecedented events we are experiencing, and specifically, the severe impact on the financial markets. Three months ago, no one knew what COVID-19 was; now it is impacting everyone. This is uncomfortable; we are

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employee benefits

New Year, New Benefits?

A fresh year — and a refresh opportunity By Lindsay Byrka, Vice President, Immix Group: An Employee Benefits Company   At the start of a new year, we all make resolutions. With 2020 also being the start of a new decade, perhaps we’re even more motivated to make improvements! When it comes to

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Employee benefits for start-ups: the long-term vs. short-term outlook

By Howard Cheung, Account Executive, Immix Group / March 14, 2019 Once they grow above three employees, many small businesses start thinking about getting a benefits program. After all, benefits are a key attraction in hiring the best talent. From a human resources perspective, small businesses scaling up should make sure the

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Exclusive: Our report on the Vancouver Cannabis Trade Show 2018

By Howard Cheung, Account Executive, Immix Group /August 10, 2018 In Canada this year, we’ve seen much progress and many changes with regard to cannabis legislation. At Immix Group, we are committed to providing active updates to you on the legalization of cannabis – and how this may change the healthcare

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insurance fraud

March is Fraud Prevention Month – and you can help!

By Lindsay Davis, Vice President, Immix Group / March 14, 2018 Benefits fraud is a topic that just keeps trending. There’s good reason for that. Fraud is a huge problem within the world of benefits. It impacts everyone – and it hurts everyone. Benefits fraud is insidious. It takes all forms. Plan

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BC’s Medical Services Plan: What is MSP – and what does it have to do with your benefits plan?

This blog is from 2017, and due to legislative changes in BC, MSP employer payments were cancelled.  Please read more here: ———————————— By Katie Wray, Immix Group / March 30, 2017 The three certainties that come along with living in British Columbia: death, taxes – and Medical Services Plan (MSP) premium

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For young businesses and start-ups: The best – and most revolutionary – health/wellness benefits platform

By Howard Cheung, Account Executive, Immix Group / June 15, 2017   You and your business are new, fresh, forward-looking. You’re rethinking traditional workplace health benefits. An efficient, innovative employee digital, cloud-based benefits platform may be just what you’re looking for. This new benefits platform solves the top three common complaints:  – plan administrator’s management burden

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Conversion Plans- Individual Health Care & Dental Plans

By Lindsay Davis, Vice President, Immix Group | Feb 03, 2016   Help ensure individuals do not lose coverage between jobs and in retirement When changing employers, leaving a company, or retiring from the workforce, considering healthcare and dental costs and options can be stressful for many people.  A gap in

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generic drugs

Generic Drugs: Fact vs. Fiction

By Katie Wray, Immix Group  Nov 15, 2015 Discussions surrounding prescription drugs tend to take up a large part of any employee benefits renewal meeting. On average, for a typical Canadian small business, prescription drug claims make up 50-70% of the extended health care claims in any given renewal year. Over

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Emergency travel: The hidden insurance in benefit plans

By Katie Wray, Immix Group Did you know that most benefits plans include emergency travel insurance? Most clients and their employees either don’t know of this hidden benefit, or they’ve forgotten it. And, if they do happen to remember it, they probably don’t realize just how extensive their emergency coverage is

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Affordable and innovatively structured employee benefit programs